Valentina is very fast learner. She is helping with illustrations and animations at Foriero Studio and is super fast learner. Her sense for detail and self-improvement is really admirable.

Valentina is very fast learner. She is helping with illustrations and animations at Foriero Studio and is super fast learner. Her sense for detail and self-improvement is really admirable.
Vasek is a creative individual. He is the creator of almost everything you see produced at Foriero Studio. Becoming a real master in Adobe Illustrator CC and Spine he is the one who creates visuals for us and our clients.
Jose is both a Video Editor and Unity Developer. He brings a unique set of both design and technicall skills. He is the one reponsible for all the videos produced at Foriero Studio and also works closely with Marek in the App Development.
Juan is talented music composer at Foriero Studio. From sound desing to music composition, Juan mastered all areas in the audio composition realm. He is the one that creates all around the audio production.
Marek is responsible for smooth production workflows in the company. He is also taking care about the whole team and company's branding presentation. If you get in touch with Foriero s.r.o. or Foriero Studio you would likely talk to him.